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Regular exercise and workouts improves your overall health and fitness. It is a complete rehabilitation for injuries and reduces your risk for many chronic diseases.  It is important that you pick the right type for you.  Heavy weight lifting will make you a warrior. Walking or running will tone your body and keep you healthy. Exercising your hips will relieve pains in your legs, lower back and hips. And the list goes on. Choose the right activity for you. Make yourself goals that are reachable and do not over do it. Always use proper equipment.


There is a lot of programs and supplements available. You must stay focused and determined to meet the goal you set. You must eat right and watch your intake. Regular exercises, walking and running will keep you toned while you lose that weight. DON’T GIVE UP


Don’t panic about the amount of exercise and diet needed.

First, there is no perfect diet or exercise program. Find your own method of dieting and exercising, that’s the first step to losing weight: Experiment and keep trying until you find a way that fits with your life.

Don’t panic about that much exercise, give yourself permission to take that time and experiment with different activities, schedules and frequencies will work for you in the long-term. Not just a few days or weeks.

The next part of successful weight loss involves diet. Eat a low-calorie, low-fat diet. Women should eat an average of 1,306 calories a day and men should eat about 1,685 calories a day, however diets don’t work very well for most of us and some people find that making small changes to how they eat each day leads to more success, even though weight loss is slower.

Don’t give up. We all overindulge at times but many of us use that as an excuse to quit and go back to old, unhealthy behaviors. There will come a day when you more than you should have. It’s not the end of the world and, even if you’ve really fallen off, you can always get back on track by simply making the decision to not give up.

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